Blog Intoduction

Over 3 years has passed, almost to the day, since we left Costa Rica. The Wilson's are now on a new journey for 10 weeks...this time to Nairobi, Kenya. We'd love to have you journey with us.

-The Wilson Family

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Clearing the Jet Lag Fog

Hello from Nairobi, Kenya!  Thank you to each of you who have texted, called, or prayed for us in the last week.  We so appreciate your care for us during our adjustment to this new place!  We've been asked great questions, so I thought a blog post with an overview of our first few days in Nairobi would be fitting.  Our days have been full and the first few were lived in a fog of jet lag, but the fog is clearing and we are soaking in the sights (and sounds!) of the capital of Kenya!

A brief synopsis:
Wednesday-3:30 am- Denver airport- checking in 9, 50 lb luggage pieces (several were full of donations for the orphanages- thank you!!), and we also had to carry 6 computers and equipment for Kevin’s new Kenyan team members. 

1 am- arrive at our AirBnB apartment after layovers in New York and Amsterdam. 

Slept until 10 am and made our way to a restaurant for lunch and the grocery store, since all we had in the apartment was salt :)
You can't believe how tall the cactus grow in Kenya!

Still in a jet lagged fog and slept until 11:30 am!
Highlight of the day: a trip to the city’s arboretum

Went to church- a lovely church we can walk to where the Kenya director for Food for the Hungry attends
Karen Blixen's Home

Took an uber to Karen Blixen’s home (the author of the memoir that Out of Africa is based on)  We had lunch on part of the property that used to be her coffee plantation. 

Walked to Oloolua Nature Trail that had a waterfall, a few small caves, and a great vine for swinging!  Without sign posts we got very lost, but were thankful for a road nearby and an uber ride back to the apartment. 

Kevin’s first day at the FH office and our first day of school.  
There was a family of monkeys we watched in the trees and apartment rooftops across the parking lot from our apartment balcony! 

Seth and Joel made friends with other children in the apartment complex-our little ambassadors :) They were playing a jumping game with a vine Seth pulled down from a tree.

ALWAYS remember to look right first when crossing the road!  Since they were colonized by the British, they drive on the opposite side of the road. 

Our apartment has a few maintenance issues….today was the first day since we left the US that I’ve had a hot shower….well, at least that helps clear the jet lag fog!

Even though most people speak British English, they do so with a Swahili accent.  Swahili is definitely their heart language, so at times, language can be a barrier to understanding.

2 of the 3 kids have already had a stomach bug- bummer :(

Learning new processes:

A wonderful adjustment is to the price of flowers-
$2 for 18 fresh roses! 
Having to fumigate our bedrooms at night!  We didn’t realize the necessity of this and the first morning Joel and Kyle woke up with over 100 bug bites! 

I still don’t know what to do with our trash??? Plastic bags are banned in Kenya and I couldn’t find anything disposable to buy in the grocery store to hold our trash!

Mpesa- a system of transferring payment instead of using cash- great idea, no idea yet how to use it, or install it on my phone….a task for tomorrow :)   


  1. Look at you guys!!
    Enjoy your new adventure...❤️❤️❤️

  2. Ooooh! I'm so glad you're doing this!! What an adventure. I loved the jump rope video and your amazing boys' adventurous ambassador attitudes. LOVE.IT. So envious of the experiences you ALL are having... minus the stomach bug part. :) Love and hugs and miss you already! - Carolye

  3. Hi to all if you,
    I admire you adventurous side. I don't think I could deal with the bugs though. John and I have 3 grandsons, ages 4, 3, and 2. My youngest son, Sean, is in Afghanistan in the Army. Pray he comes home safely. He has the 2 year old. So good to hear from you. We will pray for a safe and prosperous trip. Hugs to all of you. Barb and John B.

  4. So awesome. Love your blog and you'll love having it! The trash bags is an interesting problem. Any paper bags? Sorry about the bugs!!! My goodness... Looks like you're getting settled. What am amazing experience

  5. I love how its all started for you and the family. Enjoy Kenya and Africa

  6. Wow! What an adventure! So awesome you are getting to experience this opportunity, enjoy your time and we look forward to hearing more about your time in Kenya. Sending prayers and love! The Filipiak Five-Chris, Karen, Kaitlyn, Jacob, and Cora

  7. So awesome Kevin!! I praise God for you and your family and the skillful contribution you continue to make and having your family support you through it all is truly a blessing! May God continue to bless your family on this new chapter of life at Nairobi!!!

  8.'re not supposed to have fun!
    Get to work!!

    No...enjoy yourselves. This will be a great family forming experience for all..

    1. Ha! I have fun at work too, it's just less interesting to blog about...

  9. So excited you revived this blog! Love hearing about all your adventures! If there’s anything you need from the states just let me know and i’ll Mail it! �� bug spray? ❤️

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hey Wilson 5! Glad to hear your're beginning to settle in! It so good to hear an update! Elliot and Hudson are seeing/hearing these updates and wishing they were there too!! Maybe minus the stomach bug ;) Praying for each of you as you settle into a new rhythm in Nairobi...of course graced with each days new adventures and discoveries. Love you guys!! Hugs from the Hawkins 4 <3

    Thank you for sharing these details! Praying the initial travel challenges and adjustments will be the most of any major difficulties you encounter. Bless you Wilson Family <3 You are Amazing.

  12. So happy for your update!! Excited to journey alongside through your wonderful writing and updates. Thelens love the Wilsons!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  13. Hi Kevin, Welcome to Nairobi!! it's great to have you here...don't worry, I will teach you how to use MPESA so you don't have to carry a lot of cash with you every time.

    1. Thank you! I just got it activated yesterday - but haven't actually sent money yet.
