Blog Intoduction

Over 3 years has passed, almost to the day, since we left Costa Rica. The Wilson's are now on a new journey for 10 weeks...this time to Nairobi, Kenya. We'd love to have you journey with us.

-The Wilson Family

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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Daily Life Q and A

Here is an "advertisement" I wrote for our apartment in Nairobi:

Our apartment is immediately above the parking area
Come one, come all!  Knoll Court apartments welcomes you to come and stay with us while you enjoy your time in Nairobi!  Knoll Court is located right in the heart of Kilimani, on the corner of Muringa Road and Ndemi Lane.  This perfect retreat comes with a view of the Masai herdsmen peacefully herding their cattle through this elegant neighborhood.  We offer perfectly-sized 3-bedroom apartments with two balconies and windows everywhere you look.  We also have free water delivery so that you can always be supplied with water for that hot shower after your day trip.  Afraid of bugs?  Don’t worry, all you have to do is spray with DOOM!®️ bug repellent and keep that electric fly swatter handy.  We have you covered with all your food needs with a convenience store fifty feet down the road that sells everything you would ever need.  Come stay with us!  To see this amazing building on Google Maps, go to this link!

To see a demonstration of our water truck delivery, you can see a video of this here:  
The deliveries could come as early as 6 am.

Daily life Q and A:

This is me and my tennis coach playing together
at JD Tennis Academy.
Interviewer: What is the hardest part about living in your home on Ndemi Lane?

Wilson Family: Honestly, the hardest thing is that this place is not very well kept.  Most of the shower doors don’t slide very well at all, the sinks leak, and none of the bathroom windows close all the way.  Also, there aren’t any extra cups, bowls, or towels, so you have to make sure that you wash the dishes right after every meal so that you are ready for the next one.

Interviewer: What do you do for fun around your home?

Image result for karura forest
This is the waterfall in Karura forest
Wilson Family: Twice a week, we go to tennis classes at a place half a block down the street.  However, we have to make sure that we don’t miss balls because we’re watching the monkeys playing on the roof!

Interviewer: Is there anything that you look forward to each week?

Wilson Family: Almost every week, we go on a field trip to somewhere we’ve never been before.  For example, this week we went to the Karura Forest, which is home to the Mau Mau caves, named after the freedom fighters, as they call them, who fought for independence from Great Britain.  Kenya received its independence in 1963.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing with us your experience at your home!  We look forward to hearing from you again soon.


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