Blog Intoduction

Over 3 years has passed, almost to the day, since we left Costa Rica. The Wilson's are now on a new journey for 10 weeks...this time to Nairobi, Kenya. We'd love to have you journey with us.

-The Wilson Family

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Leaving Costa Rica with a Bang

I was sad to leave Costa Rica. It was an unhappy ride to the airport. When we got there, we waited and read the book, Carry on, Mr. Bowditch while we waited for the line to check baggage to open. When it did, we quickly checked in our baggage and walked to the family security line. It was a lot shorter than the regular line. Soon, we were at the food court.

We got to the food court, at about lunchtime. We were hungry, and we decided that we would eat a little bit now and a little bit in Ft. Lauderdale later that day. It turned out that the prices were outrageous! We had about a half a sandwich each, and then we walked to our gate. We met a really nice college student there. We sat there for about a half hour past the scheduled departure time, and then we had to change gates. Our next gate was in the basement!

After sitting there for another 3 hours, the attendant said our flight was canceled. We would have to say in a hotel overnight. We got our baggage, and then we waited for a shuttle. And waited. Finally, there was one to pick us up. We stayed at CityExpress and they had great dinner of rice, chicken and salad.

The next day, we had to check in all over again. We went through a gate change again that put us in a basement gate again. We boarded at departure time. Finally we were on the plane!
Since our plane was delayed, we had a very short layover in Ft. Lauderdale. We ran all the way to our gate except for when we were in security and customs. We made it with only a minute to spare!

It was almost midnight when we finally felt the brisk air of Detroit and we were ready to get our baggage and go. But then this announcement came on the intercom. It said, “Due to an overcrowding of baggage on carousel 2, the baggage from the flight from Ft. Lauderdale will be on in about 3 minutes. Since we couldn’t leave without our baggage, we went to look for our car. Our grandparents had dropped it off in some part of the airport’s parking structure, and they told us the general area. It took about 30 minutes of looking to find it. When we got back, our bags were ready to go. And go we did, at about 1 o’clock in the morning.

-Kyle Wilson

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