Blog Intoduction

Over 3 years has passed, almost to the day, since we left Costa Rica. The Wilson's are now on a new journey for 10 weeks...this time to Nairobi, Kenya. We'd love to have you journey with us.

-The Wilson Family

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Friday, December 18, 2015

Magic Spot

"Mom, it looks like that tree has Christmas lights on it, going on and off, on and off, " whispered Joel as we sat overlooking our backyard. Every Friday morning in the early morning sun, we sit, quietly, in our "magic spots". We each find our own spot on the porch and then we listen, look, and wait with a sense of anticipation for what God and nature will reveal. On this particular morning, Joel noticed the morning dew glistening in the light, a scene that in a short time would be gone as the droplets dried in the morning sun.

Last week we all watched with attention to a beautiful bird chat with its mate on a tree branch and then find and eat a worm. A shear delight for little children to see this show of nature. We have observed Toucans, the movement of the clouds, and how the wind causes the leaves to dance and wave. We have see how light changes the shades of green and brings depth through the shadows.

For several years when we have been in the woods on family walks we have picked a stopping place and each found a Magic Spot to sit in silence to observe and listen. Now, we have added as part of our family rhythm a weekly time right on our back porch.

By taking this time, we learn what can be found by stopping. There are amazing gifts that come from solitude and silence. Great beauty is there, details and movement that would otherwise be missed.

When our hearts scream to be heard and to make sure our point is conveyed, when our thoughts are often consumed with

Silence also ignites the imagination and can open our heart up to new possibilities and dreams. Seth recently shared his excitement with us as we shared what we observed or thought about during our time. A poem had come into his mind as he let his thoughts run free and go where they may.

With our feet squished in the wet sand, we huddled around a little hole. We were waiting for a clam to show us its gyser-like spewing of bubbles and sand. One eighth of an inch, in the midst of an expanse of sand. So much in life vies for our attention-to do lists, looming decisions, and unmet desires that feel constant and loud, like the unrelenting crashing waves along the shoreline. Yet there, in the midst of the grand and powerful was a little clam giving us a gift. How many times have I missed the small voice of God's Spirit calling me to come and look, to listen, to pay attention. As we set aside regular times of silence, we find that throughout our days we are more attentive to small details and are drawn to really see our surroundings.

This week as we walked down a path to the beach, Joel turned around with his chubby finger pressed to his lips and whispered, "Shhh, we need to walk quietly." Even a three year old sees the gift of silence. May our hearts trust the silence, eagerly awaiting the treasures that God wants to reveal through it.
what's next, anxiety, or doubt, silence and careful observation break their hold on us. We see how carefully and skillfully God knit our world together reminding us of His care over the details in our lives as well. We give space in our thoughts to listen to His voice, laying down, even if just for a few moments, our own agenda.

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