Blog Intoduction

Over 3 years has passed, almost to the day, since we left Costa Rica. The Wilson's are now on a new journey for 10 weeks...this time to Nairobi, Kenya. We'd love to have you journey with us.

-The Wilson Family

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Joy of Giving

The assistant director, Winnie, asked us to teach the
toddler class.  We taught them new fingerplays and
action songs. The boys did great leading as well! 
Thanks to many of you, we had the joy of giving to several children’s homes in Kenya.  Thank you so much for your generous donations of books, toys, clothes, and baby items. We know these items will be well used and are deeply appreciated.  We are so thankful too that we had an opportunity to not only give material items, but some of our time as well. We are so humbled by the dedicated, faithful service of those that day in and day out love and care for the needs of the nearly 200 children these homes serve.  They may never receive public acclaim or high salaries, but their servant leadership is truly inspirational.
Our donations to New Life Children's Home

Seth in the special shirt he made for volunteering at New Life
We had the opportunity to teach the care givers how
to make home made playdough.  They were so excited!

We donated lots of books, clothes, and games to the CRCA
children's home

Kids at the CRCA loved the magazines!

We also donated books, clothes and games
to Mother's Mercy Children's Home. They were
excited because the social worker sees the need to create a reading culture at the home.
The kids at Mother's Mercy Home enjoyed learning a new game!

New leader training for the social workers and
"mamas" at the Mother's Mercy Children's Home
God also opened many doors for me to share about the international ministry I am a part of called, Moms in Prayer (MIP).  With the area coordinator in Nairobi we were able to lead two trainings for new groups to start!! This is really exciting in Kenya where the ministry is new and in its early stages of being established.
Training with the MIP Africa Global Ambassador for
church group in Nairobi
New leader training for a group in Nairobi

Training with MIP Africa Global Ambassador
of church group from Machakos

We came to Nairobi with the goal of Kevin developing an IT team at the Africa regional/Kenya office.  He hired and trained a manager and 2 programmers.  They are up and running and are already positively contributing to the team!  Having laid a solid foundation here, he has a vision of continuing to expand the team in the future. 

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